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Losing hair is actually a natural process where a new one grows, which is not a concern. Causes of hair loss can be handled in a broad framework that can vary from daily lifestyle habits to underlying health problems; but if there is a certain amount of hair shed in this process, and if we have more hairs tangling around our fingers and we encounter this event more often,

It is important for the health of our hair and to protect it, that we review the condition of our hair once and take timely measures against negativities; but in order to do this, first of all, how much is a normal hair loss, the factors that indicate the bad condition of the hair, what kind of methods we do not apply against abnormal hair loss.

It is said that it is normal to naturally shed 50-100 hairs per day. In addition, this amount varies according to the seasons.
It is known that my daily shedding will be up to 200, especially in the autumn period when the hair is shedding the most. Although losing 200 hairs a day may seem like a worrying situation, in fact, the hair does not just fall out, new and healthy hair grows in place of the lost hair, and the total amount of hair is preserved.

Treatment of hair loss begins with finding the cause of hair loss. True
Successful treatment is possible after diagnosis.
Treatment options are arranged for the cause and for general hair health.

Regional hair loss and thinning of hair are more common. In addition to genetic factors, women may experience hair loss in cases such as having recently given birth, iron deficiency, use of birth control pills, hormonal disorders and menopause.
The measures taken to prevent hair loss are not limited to applications for hair. The age, general health and diet of the person also play an important role in this regard. Hair care should be supported with vitamins and minerals that should be taken with regular nutrition, such as zinc, selenium, B vitamins.