Airless hair

On the other hand, reasons such as not getting air in the hair follicles, excessive oiliness and not keeping the hair clean cause the hair follicles to become clogged and not breathe. Oxygen acts on the hair radically and fights the causes of hair loss. It helps micro-circulation against hair loss and the risk of shedding.
When the hair does not get air, dandruff and matting problem occurs. We also need to control some of the conditions observed in our diet in our skin, hair and body.
It is extremely important that you do not gather your hair too tightly, at least in the evening, so that your scalp can breathe.

Since the needs of your hair change every season, we recommend you to apply different treatments. Take care to use UV-protected products in your care routine in summer, because the sun’s rays dry your hair and cause it to look unkempt. In addition, your hair, which is exposed to the sun, sea water and chlorine, loses its natural moisture. Therefore, make sure to use hair oil in the summer and autumn seasons. Your hair, which stores moisture, always looks well-groomed. Cold weather can dry out your scalp. Dry scalp causes problems such as dandruff and itching. To prevent this, you should pay attention to your scalp care in winter.
Everyone’s dream is to have shiny hair, but remember that getting healthy hair is actually not that difficult, but it takes some effort!