Persistent Hair

Hair health is extremely important. Hair is worn out due to air pollution, lack of vitamins, diet and many other reasons. The root of perishable hair weakens and breaks off, which causes hair loss. Hair loss is a problem that many people experience. However, hair loss can be prevented with proper hair care.

Irregular nutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have negative consequences for your hair.
To see if your hair is generally healthy and whether hair loss is something you don’t need to worry about, you should first check your hair follicles. So how do you do this?

Break off a few strands of hair, be careful to pluck it close to the roots, and examine your hair follicle, the root. The normal root of a hair strand should be in the form of a bulb. If your hair follicle is in the form of a bulb, it means that your hair follicles are healthy. However, if it looks weak, it means that your hair needs care.

Our hair is the most important part of our style. However, many factors such as drying, heat styling, improper combing, nutrition, and even not consuming enough water can cause our hair to become dull, breakage and look dull without realizing it.

With the right care and hair washing routine; It is not difficult at all to have strong, vibrant, shiny and healthy hair.

The subcutaneous layers need pores to meet their oxygen needs and remove excess fluids. Due to their small size, their appearance does not disturb people under normal conditions. Application to tighten, not to close

must be done.