Clarification Text on the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and the Rights Under this Law
This Enlightenment Text on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data (“Illumination Text”) DEMİR PHARMA KOZMETIK TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, against you data owners, in order to fulfill our illumination obligation stipulated within the scope of the protection of personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK”). edited. With this Clarification Text, the procedure to be followed by our company during the processing of your personal data and your rights and freedoms are explained.
1. What is the Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Data and for What Purpose?
Your personal data pursuant to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of KVKK No. 6698; Within the scope of the instructions and applications we will receive from you within the framework of the service we will provide, within the framework of the obligations and limits arising from the legal legislation, to benefit from the services offered and to benefit from them without any problems, to provide the services under the contract, to provide the necessary information about the service you are purchasing during the contract, to inform you about the relevant campaigns, to store information Obtaining, recording and storing your personal and private data such as identity information, contact information, legal action and compliance information, request and complaint management information, visual and audio data, customer data and customer transaction data, in order to comply with reporting and information obligations. , update, classification, sharing with third parties permitted by the legislation or transfer to them, such as “Data Processing”, within the framework of KVKK and personal data processing conditions. For this reason, your personal data; Your personal data may be processed for purposes such as organizing all necessary records and documents in order to complete your transactions verbally or electronically, planning, auditing and implementing corporate sustainability, corporate governance, strategic planning and information security processes, and fulfilling our administrative and legal obligations. Within the framework of limitations, our Company’s products and services can be offered, communication can be made regarding the product and service you have received / will receive in this regard, and if you have given your permission, it can be used in marketing activities, product / service offer, modeling, reporting, scoring, risk monitoring, intelligence, It is processed in relation to the capital market activities of our subsidiaries, for purposes such as current or new product studies and potential customer identification. Your collected personal data, our business units to carry out the necessary work to benefit you from the products and services offered by our Company and our Affiliates, to customize the products and services offered by our Company and our Affiliates according to your tastes, usage habits and needs, and to recommend them to you in a business relationship with our Company, our Affiliates and our Company Ensuring the legal and commercial security of the persons who are in charge (administrative operations for communication carried out by our Company, ensuring the physical security and supervision of the locations of the Company, Evaluation/complaint management processes of Affiliates customers, reputation research processes, event management, legal compliance process, audit, financial affairs, etc.) For the purposes of determining and implementing our company’s commercial and business strategies and ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies, the personal data processing requirements specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law It can be processed within its terms and purposes.
2. To Whom The Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred And For What Purpose
Your collected personal data; Our business units carry out the necessary work to benefit you from the products and services offered by our Company and our Affiliates, The principles stipulated by the legislation on the protection of personal data with persons and organizations such as persons, organizations, public legal entities permitted by the legislation, other persons and institutions and organizations permitted by legal regulations, other third parties in the country and abroad from which sharing may be necessary for the provision of services and services. can be shared within.
3. What are the Rights of the Personal Data Owner Enumerated in Article 11 of the KVK Law?
KVK Kanunu uyarınca, kişisel verileriniz işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme, kişisel verilerinizin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerinizin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişiTo know the details, to request correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing, to request the deletion or destruction of your personal data, to request notification of these transactions to third parties to whom your personal data is transferred in case of correction, deletion or destruction of your personal data, to analyze your processed personal data exclusively through automated systems. You have the right to object to the emergence of a result against you through the use of the data, and to demand the compensation of the damage in case your personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing. The matter you request must be clear and understandable, the subject you request is related to you or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you must be specifically authorized in this regard and your authority must be documented, the application must contain your identity and address information, and the documents proving your identity must be attached to the application. , your requests regarding your rights to our Company by filling out the application form on our website and sending a signed copy of the form to MAHMUT ŞEVKET PAŞA MAH. MEKTEP SK. NO: 34 A ŞİŞLİ / İSTANBUL personally, with documents identifying your identity, send it through a notary public or other methods specified in the KVK Law, or send the relevant form with secure electronic signature to the address If you do, the Company will finalize the request as soon as possible and within thirty (30) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged by the Company.
4. How Long Will the Data Be Stored?
Your personal data will be processed, provided that it is not used for purposes other than those notified to you with this Clarification Text, and will be retained during the legal retention periods stipulated in the relevant legislation. At the end of these periods, the Data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized officially or upon your request in accordance with Article 7 of the KVKK.
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