Facial wrinkles

Wrinkles are cavities that appear when the epidermis loses its firmness. There is a difference between fine lines and deep wrinkles. Deep wrinkles are formed by the repetitive facial movements and after a certain point they become a part of the face. Fine lines, on the other hand, appear due to the loss of tightness of the dermis, due to lack of moisture. The first and most important step is to prevent the effects of aging by moisturizing the skin.

Our body produces collagen and hyaluronic acid by itself, and these two molecules make the skin look much fuller and younger. Over time, our body begins to produce less of these molecules, which are the source of youth, and our skin begins to look thinner, fragile and looser.

first wrinkles

They usually appear in the middle of the eyebrows and around the eyes, and we forget that these lines are related to the dryness of the skin. Deprivation of moisture means that the rate of cell renewal slows down.
Moisturizing the skin means protecting the skin and allowing cells to regenerate.